White & Black Read online

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  “Ella White?” The man asked as she walked towards them in the dim light.

  “Yes” she croaked with a dry mouth, rubbing together her sweaty palms…

  “I’m Tony Winchester. This is Lucy my wife and the secretary for Juxtar Promotions. She’s gonna run you through it today.”

  His eyes opened wide as he took her in as she came fully into the light. Well what about that! Ella was a beautiful blondy bombshell… or was that a reddy bombshell… Definitely a bit of both going on there. Oh yes indeed! Talk about shit hot. His eyes ran up and down her perfect hourglass figure, pausing for an extra few seconds on her ample female charms… He quickly looked away, suddenly aware his wife was giving him an annoyed glare and tutting at him. Well, it was case closed in his mind… He loved her looks already… As long as she could put one foot in front of the other, she was hired.

  Lucy took her to one side and showed her ‘the walk’ shoving a large card in her hands.

  “Ella you have to glide along… remember you aren’t a star, the contestants are… so you have to blend in and subtly excite the crowd at the same time… it’ll come to you the more you do it… I can see you almost have it already… just copy me again…. Yes, that smile is great… nice and sexy… glide and slide… card a little higher darling… let’s see your pretty face… Perfect!” Lucy wandered off for a moment to a small low lit cubicle at the far side of the room. She turned on some cool pacy instrumental background music and returned to Ella. “Okay, get up in the ring and do a few circuits Ella, the music helps. Let’s see what you look like in the ring.”

  Ella slid up inside the training ring as gracefully as she could in her super tight brief outfit and repeated her smiley walk in style, with an added flourish and hip swinging sway in time with the beat…

  “That was just superb Ella. You’ve got the job.” Tony was in love and grinning from ear to ear. He’d ring his pal Rob later and see if he had any more girls like Ella tucked away in that gym if his. “Look I have to dash honey, got a helluva lot to do today, big fight on you see… I’ll be back in my office upstairs, that’s room number 12 in 30 minutes sharp. Go get changed and I’ll see you there for the paperwork and I’ll give you a quick tour of the building.”

  “Yes, that was lovely Ella… you’ll be just fine. Would you mind turning the music off when you leave, I’ve gotta run too…” Lucy was half way out the door already.

  “Okay… and thanks…” She called out as they both left the ring room through the double doors. She stood leaning against the side of the ring smiling to herself. Her success was bubbling up inside her. She could do this. It wasn’t that bad… maybe bikinis would be a little harder, but the sassy sexy walk, it was as easy as pie… she’d even felt a little rush just then. She hated to admit it, but it was actually quite exciting up here!

  She stood looking around for another minute contemplating her newly acquired job, smiling to herself more and more until she wore a massive grin. She wandered around the ring leaning against the corners and brushing her hand along the top of the ring barriers. The intro of something else started to play on the background track… Oh yes! She loved this Scream song and she just had to have a quick victory dance all by herself up here on her own personal stage. She had so few opportunities to dance these days, she hardly ever went out, she had no money for that type of thing anymore.

  She kept her eyes firmly trained on the double doors for any sign of someone coming in on her hot piece of ring exhibitionism…

  She began dancing around wildly in her high heeled boots, swirling her hair about and adding a few choice knee and sidekicks and some extra punchy moves to her already energetic repertoire… She could be really wild in here because she had lots of room and no one was watching. She just couldn’t stop herself singing along nice and loud too…

  “If you wanna scream yeah

  Let me know and I’ll take you there

  Get you goin’ like ooh baby baby, ooh baby baby

  Ooh baby baby, ooh baby

  If you want it done right

  Hope you’re ready to go all night

  Get you goin’ like ooh baby baby, ooh baby baby

  Ooh baby baby, ooh baby

  If you wanna scream”

  The beat of this song was fast, sexy and really got her going… she just loved Usher with a passion. He was so damn hot he should have a health warning. She carried on dancing around in a cloud of sexed up success.

  Keeping one eye fixed on the doors she opened her legs and swung down low, moving her backside slowly side to side with the fast sexy rhythm sweeping her hair across the floor… Her eyes fluttered in pure enjoyment as she balanced her weight from one leg to the other in wide curves and let it all go free… She was wildly into it, practically having an dancing orgasm.

  She suddenly stopped in instant acute embarrassment as she caught sight of something new in her periphery of vision. Somebody’s shoes and jeans. She was no longer alone. She turned her head sideways to see…

  Oh. My. God. No! Not him…

  The one and only Devlin Black himself was leaning against the corner of the ring with his arms crossed watching her…

  … how the hell had he snuck by her bit of door guarding?

  “Oh…” was all she could think to say as she stood up quickly folding her arms under her ample pushed up and heaving chest. She tried to adopt a ‘so not bothered’ attitude, which wasn’t easy, as she really was very bothered.

  “Hey Ginger…” He gave her his best drop dead gorgeous scorcher of a smile. “That was some show you put on there… Want to try one of those ass swinging moves out on me?” He could just picture it in his head right now and what a picture it was… He added a very sexy grin for an extra gorgeous knock her out twice effect.

  Ella watched entranced as he slowly sauntered out of the corner and came close, standing right in front of her with his hands in his jeans pockets. His words finally sunk inside her knocked out little brain.

  “What? Well no, I don’t in fact, and it’s damn rude of you to sneak up and spy on me like that…” She held her chin up in snooty annoyed defiance for just a few short seconds before she began to ooze away fast beneath his very direct gaze.

  She took a deep breath as she was hit hard by the whole Devlin experience…

  - beautiful deep brown ‘come and drown in me’ eyes…

  - thick dark short hair that was calling to her fingertips…

  - far too handsome ‘I so need a shave, but fuck, don’t I look great anyway’ face…

  - the whole sex god perfection thing he had going on, all over…

  She was swamped by divineness. He was just way too much too muchness… and much too close too.

  She felt damned uncomfortable. Suddenly she was more than a little breathless and hot all over. A deep muscular tightening was hitting everything below her waist hard. Erotic thoughts were starting to invade her mind…

  She had to get out of there or she’d wrap herself around his genius sexy legs and kiss his feet…

  “Hey, I never sneak anywhere. I just walked in through the back door over there…” He gestured over his shoulder to the door behind him.

  Jeez, now the perfect tone of his voice was hitting on her hot spot too and her legs were feeling strange.

  “Back doors are always sneaky Mr Black… And for your information it’s not Ginger, it’s Ella.”

  Then she was off before the rest of her body parts started to give way…

  She turned and gracefully slid through the ring barrier like a gymnast, hopping down to the floor landing lightly on the balls of her feet, flouncing off towards the doors and back to the cool calm safety of Kim’s lair… She’d turn the music off later… when Mr much too sexy hot stuff had gone away.

  “See ‘ya later Ginger” he called after her watching as her perfect curves disappeared quickly through the door. Holy fuck… That had really made his day. She was just about as sexy as a girl could get… one beautiful piece of
gorgeous moving ass… He was going to make absolutely sure she got hired.

  Chapter 6

  Ella arrived home that evening and stood in the kitchen thinking about how to tell her dad about her new job. He might be seeing her on TV soon. She didn’t want to shock him by finding out that way.

  “Dad, you okay?” she said as she wandered into the living room. Jake and her dad were watching The Strongest Man on TV… “Oh Jake, you’re in are you? How nice of you to grace us with your presence for a change and look it’s so very early too… it’s only 9.30… I want a word with you. In the kitchen now boy!” She gestured over her shoulder with her thumb…

  “Ells if you’re gonna lecture, don’t bother… I ‘aint gonna take any notice of you… At… All.” He said cockily as his tall and lanky frame left the sofa and passed her by en route to the kitchen.

  She followed him in, turned and shut the kitchen door for some privacy, not that her dad would understand any of this anyway.

  She suddenly felt hopelessly inadequate. She could never be a replacement mother for him. She needed to get through to him on his level somehow.

  “Jake you will take notice of me and here’s why… no more cash, no more clothes, no more food… no more bloody anything until your 15 year old self comes back to planet Earth. I’ve had it up to here with the school and tutors calling me and all that other stuff. Don’t you think I’ve got enough on my hands with looking after dad, studying, working and running the house. Think about it Jake… I am just your sister and I’m only 5 and a half years older than you are. Why can’t you help me out around the house a little? You don’t do a thing… you don’t help with cleaning the place or making dinner, never even make your own bloody bed… I’m just sick of nagging you about everything. Look Jake… All I am asking of you right now is to stay out of trouble and away from those older low lives you’ve discovered. And whatever happened to Will and Josh, your old school friends, they were nice boys, why don’t you hang out with them anymore?”

  “Will’s got himself a girlfriend… they’re always stuck together, you know, discovering stuff… Josh is hanging out with another gang, he’s gone all heavy metal, it’s not really my scene…”

  “Well maybe you can find some new friends at school Jake…? People who like the things you do? Will’s far too young for all that grown up business as well. I hope you’re not doing things… are you?”

  “No Ells… I don’t have a girlfriend in case you haven’t noticed… wouldn’t mind having one though. There’s one I like quite a lot.”

  She gave him a little glare… “Look, we’re getting away from the point here. Just get through school for me Jake, after that it’s up to you. I don’t want any more of your crap, got it?” The desperation in her voice must have made its way through to his testosterone addled confused young brain as he did actually look a little sheepish and hung his head.

  “I’m sorry Ella… I’m finding it all hard, that’s all… y’know, friends stuff, all the extra work at school and dad being like he is … I need an escape, it’s doing my head in.”

  “Yeah tell me about it Jakey… I understand that pressure you’re feeling only too well. We’ve got to pull together more, be a family… Look I need to tell you and dad something important … lets go and talk now, huh…?”

  She wasn’t sure she had really got through to him as they‘d had a few of these talks before, although never quite so intense as this one had been. He was okay inside the house, but as soon as he left it, he was back in his new far more interesting world and couldn’t give a damn. She hoped the lack of money and other things she had threatened might help get her message across as she would be prepared to do all that, if need be… to get him back on track.

  The three of them settled down in the living room. Ella had turned off the TV to get their full attention. Her dad gave her an odd confused look… he didn’t spend a waking moment without the TV on. It was becoming his life.

  “Dad, my hours at the diner have been cut to half, so I have been looking for another job…” she began.

  “Oh Ells… that’s a sh..sh..shame love” her father sympathised…

  “Yes, it’s a real shame dad… as that money was just about getting us along… but I have found another job. It’s much better paid. Three times the hourly rate at the diner and it’s evenings only, 4 evenings a week. I’ll be able to do that and the waitressing and still have time to study.” She laid the positive aspects of her new job out for them.

  “Where are you working then?” Jake asked her with interested eyes.

  “Well… I’ve got a job in the Arena Hilton with the MMA scene going on there.” She’d let her dad in on it softly… gradually… he liked MMA….

  “Ells, that’s great… can you get me some cheap tickets and autographs?” Jake asked excitedly, obviously impressed with his sister’s new place of work. “What type of job is it? Waitressing again?”

  “Errr no… not waitressing this time. It’s rather more glamorous than that.” Well it was! That was the truth…

  “So…?” Jake asked as they both looked at her with their questioning blue eyes.

  “Look… I’m a ring girl okay… I’ve auditioned and passed with flying colors. I am now able to walk around the ring in style holding a big card wearing a bikini… It’s just about the best paid easiest job I’ve ever had in fact”

  Their faces registered surprise… but inside them both two rather different types of surprise were going on.

  Jake was ‘impressed’ surprised… His sister a ring girl? A hot babe looking way cool in a bikini… totally famous like those ones on TV! His head couldn’t get around it… “Wow Ells…!” He finally managed.

  Her dad looked ‘very unhappy’ surprised… His little Ells, an over made up, under dressed ring tart…? That was the one thing he hated about the sport. No way was she doing it! He might not be able to think straight or say much these days, but he knew all about that little world she was going to be flung into. “No… no, no, no… you’re n..not doing it Ells. No!” he couldn’t put it more clearly or plainly than that.

  “I’m sorry dad… I already knew you wouldn’t like it. But it’s just for a while. I don’t want to make a career out of it. I don’t see what else I can do that’s gonna pay the bills as well as this. It’s an evening job and I need to be here with you in the daytime. Our lovely kind neighbors next door can check on you in the evenings, or Jake can sit here with you. I don’t much fancy wandering around half dressed I can tell you, but I can look after myself out there. You know I can. I’m a trained kickboxer dad… what’s gonna happen?”

  “Don’t like it… not g..g..good those girls. Disgusting t..t..trollops… Ho’s the lot of them.” He didn’t care what she said, he didn’t want her mixing with that crowd. That Marcia Dean and her bunch of dirty girls sliming all over his great MMA stars …

  “Dad, I’m old enough to know all about this you know! I’m twenty one. I haven’t been living in a convent. It’s probably no worse than high school was!” she tried to lighten him up with some humor… he looked quite upset.

  “Well I think it’s fantastic!” said Jake with a big smile. “Can you get me Devlin Black’s autograph first… he’s just way too cool for words…”

  “Perhaps Jakey, when I’ve been there for a while. I can’t go bothering top stars like that for autographs on the first day now, can I?”

  She hadn’t got over her initial meeting with The Destroyer yet, if she ever could. Her whole body quaked inside at the thought of it. Those wild workout dance moves… Just how much had he seen of all that? Devlin Black was so hot in the flesh she had felt her inner volcano erupting in front of him. The heat started to build inside her again at the memory. Her pure embarrassment had flared into lust in ten seconds flat… She dreaded and ached to see him again in equal measure. She was turning into a proper old ‘ring ho’ already. She took a deep breath and brought herself back to the more serious present.

  Her dad s
eemed to be calming about it, or was he forgetting it already. His face looked more relaxed. She didn’t like him being anxious, she had no idea what was churning around in his head any more. He was nothing like the cheerful funny man he used to be before his accident.

  “Oh, and before I forget… I am out Saturday night so I need you here Jakey, don’t bail on me okay, as the neighbors both sides are away together. It’s my last Saturday night out for a while as I’ll be working them all from now on, Fridays, Thurdays and Tuesdays too. But this Saturday I’m off clubbing downtown with Paul and Emma and the guys. I’m going to raid the last few dollars of my savings which I can now actually spend on myself without feeling guilty. And I’m going to go get my hair trimmed and some false nails done. I’ve bitten them to the quick lately with one thing and another and they don’t look too hot for my new card holding job.”

  She was so looking forward to clubbing. She hadn’t been for over a month. She couldn’t afford to waste money on things like that anymore. But this was now a celebration. She wasn’t sure if it was a date with Paul or not. She didn’t think she really felt that way about him. He was her friend more than anything. But the way he had asked her, kind of personally, saying he would take her and bring her back home, had made her instinctively feel he felt something more for her. Still, date or no date, she wanted to get out there and dance her backside off… that little après audition session had whet her appetite for a much bigger dose.

  She was going to get herself a new dress on her credit card too.

  Chapter 7

  Marcia perched on the arm of the sofa watching Devlin gazing absent mindedly into space from his bed. He was acting really off lately. She couldn’t get his attention no matter what she did. She had even tried ignoring him for a few days, but he didn’t even seem to notice. Dev had never said how he felt about her. She wasn’t sure what was going on in that head of his.